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Tracy Hackshaw

ICT and Digital Economy Strategist

"I am an ICT and Digital Economy Strategist possessing close to twenty-five (25) years' local, regional and international experience spanning work in the public and private sectors where he has been integrally involved in the design and implementation of several globally recognized award-winning initiatives such as SurePay, ttconnect and TTBizLink, and I am currently the Vice Chair of the Joint Computer & Communications Society (JCCS) of the IEEE Trinidad & Tobago Section and was appointed to the inaugural Board of Directors of the recently established FinTech Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FinTechTT) in September 2020 after having served on the Interim Management Committee since February 2020. I have represented Trinidad & Tobago, and presented in various international forums, including at the 2016 G77 Meeting of Experts on ICTs and Sustainable Development for South-South Cooperation, the Executive Management Committee of the Commonwealth Cybercrime Initiative, a two-year term as Vice Chair of ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and coordination of & co-chairing the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (UN-IGF) Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy (DC-SIDS)."

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