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Pierre Lucson Bellegarde

writer, director and producer

My name is Pierre Lucson Bellegarde. Jacmel is my hometown, and I'm very attached to it. I'm a screenwriter, director and producer. Since 2011, I've been working as an independent professional. Cinema is my passion. I believe that cinema could be one of the country's main economic sources, because there are so many different film professions. To create a film industry is to create a common wealth where the beneficiaries will not only be audiovisual technicians, but all economic players. In this way, cinema will have a considerable economic and social impact as a cultural activity. It will also contribute to education, as it is a highly effective means of learning. However, how can we create an industry in a country where there are virtually no cinemas to show films? Access to financing is extremely difficult? Fortunately, Tech-Lab offered me a golden opportunity to make this dream a reality. Thanks to the technology, the tools put in place by Banj and its partners, and the help of talented developers, we'll be able to kill several birds with one stone. My project idea is to create a digital platform that will make it possible to exploit and distribute quality films (fiction, documentary, series, TV works) made by Haitian directors living in Haiti or in the diaspora, and perhaps self-produce in the future.

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