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Lamar Pollard

music producer

"Hi! I'm Lamar and I've been involved in the creative industries professionally since 2003. Over that time, I've built experience as a music producer, studio owner, clothing company owner, bassist with T&T's leading reggae band, music band manager, small Carnival band manager, Stage Manager, Event Production Manager and Technical Consultant to the National Carnival Commission. The last 10 years of my career has involved working closely with government on creative industry projects. My focus shifted to research, lecturing and policy in 2015. I love teaching, particularly event management-related courses as well as Carnival-related and political science-related subjects. I come from a line of Caribbean Renaissance men. My father was a part of the management of mas band Rabs Immortelle, he did Carnival commentary for many years and was a past CEO of COTT. My grandfather was a principal sponsor of Sunland, the famed steelband, and also played sailor mas. Belmont is the cultural capital of Carnival, and I am a 3rd generation descendant of the community. I have a vision for Carnival: that the industrial and economic components be interwoven with the heritage and educational ones seamlessly, becoming a viable pillar of T&T’s economic portfolio. I want to take Carnival into the future."

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